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3_Filling in essential gaps in DfE's building programme

Modernising the "essential to education" estate

The extensive but much-delayed State-funded building and refurbishment programme will provide the minimum the DfE considers “compliant” with its guidelines and regulations for a school of the size of The Royal.   The programme is focused on refurbishing and extending buildings they define as “essential to education” and building a new Primary School building. At the end of the programme the School should occupy a modernised estate which will meet these defined needs for around 1500 pupils and associated staff and be “compliant with DfE school provision guidelines”. 

The School, however, must maintain the Chapel, the Sports complex including all-weather pitch etc

This leaves a number of buildings outside the “essential to education” definition.  They include the Chapel, the Swimming and Sports complex and the all-weather pitch.  The School must ensure these facilities continue to meet all statutory safety standards.  It has to pay for the maintenance and development of these buildings as it considers them essential to providing the unique educational experience offered by The Royal.

The chapel's stained-glass windows  designed by Kempe


The preservation and enhancement of the chapel is already a current project. See Chapel Preservation project

The project covers the work needed to preserve the fabric of the building.

It includes visualising enhancements to make it more flexible and attractive.  Along with a refurbished lodge it can then host income-generating events including weddings, music concerts etc.  

The all-weather Astroturf has recently been replaced.  

Future maintenance & development projects will be needed

The school needs to create financial reserves for inevitable maintenance and updating projects in particular for the Swimming Pool complex, but also other areas of the school's estate.  These may be to reduce energy use which is a major cost and has led to many pools closing across the country.  State-funding formulae make building such reserves difficult.

     RSW international sporting stars


The School has a stellar track record in developing athletes in many sports.  

Even while still at The Royal, pupils have represented their country at international level in a number of sports, particularly swimming. 

Some have gone on to be Olympic stars, even winning gold medals at Olympics and Paralympics.   

To ensure this success story continues, the School may turn to the Foundation for financial help.

In such cases it is likely the Foundation would launch an Appeal for donations.  




Managing such an infrastructure project would be the responsibility of the School, but the Foundation could play a major part in helping generate funds.  


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